
Call of duty: cold war steam
Call of duty: cold war steam

Microsoft’s Halo Infinite launched on Steam last year, so it’s possible that the company wants Activision to follow their lead. Complete the single player Campaign on any difficulty. It’s unclear whether Microsoft’s pending acquisition of Activision has anything to do with these possible Steam releases. Here is the full list of all 44 Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. By Ruben Circelli Call of Duty isn't on Steam, well.

call of duty: cold war steam

Games like Crash Bandicoot 4, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2, and World of Warcraft were among the most popular requests by the community. 11:49 AM -07:00 UTC Call of Duty Is Out Now on Steam Deck Call of Duty is playable on Steam Deck, and here's how. Fans in the comments of the above Reddit post were calling for many titles to see a Steam release. However, the publisher’s page could also soon be full of other Activision titles.

call of duty: cold war steam

MWII specifically is a welcome sight for PC players, as fans are hoping that a Steam launch could lead to modding in the future and a more inclusive look at PC player count, stats, etc. As of right now, only older COD titles and the upcoming MWII are featured on it.

call of duty: cold war steam

Activision has a publisher’s page on SteamĪctivision now has an official publisher page on Steam from pcgamingįans discovered Activision’s publisher’s page over the weekend.

Call of duty: cold war steam