
Signals messenger
Signals messenger

When the menu pops up, press “Delete.” Because Signal stores all of your messages locally and not on a remote server, you are only deleting the message on your personal device. If you want to delete a specific message, press and hold the message. Get fancy with security Make messages disappear If it makes sense for you, try Signal for your desktop. For example, if you’re infected with malicious software designed to log your keystrokes or send screenshots to a remote attacker, encryption won’t protect your messages. If you’re having highly sensitive conversations and think you may have malicious software on your personal computer, you probably don’t want to feed your encrypted messages into that infected machine.

signals messenger

You can use Signal on your desktop as well! Before jumping in, think about whether Signal for desktop works for your situation. Later, you can always make changes to the group by pressing the conversation settings for the group at the top right.

signals messenger signals messenger

You can also change the group icon by pressing on the image to the left. IPhone users: From the main screen, press the message icon at the top right and hit "New group."Īndroid users: Press the settings icon at the top right (three dots) and hit “New group.”įrom here, you can name your group and add multiple people. Get fancy with messaging Use group messaging

Signals messenger